Acerca de Grupo RAS
A company dedicated to providing competitiveness and security to its customers
RAS GROUP was founded in 1991 with the mission of providing quality logistics solutions to increase the competitiveness of its customers and satisfy them with professionalism through comprehensive services to international trade.
It has now become a multinational company specializing in logistics planning and management, managing more than $6 billion in customer merchandise.
45 offices
11 countries
has more than 800 members assigned to its
7 business divisions
Our own specialized companies have been the key to this growth, as they have provided us with the ability to offer the most varied combinations that respond to the needs of each client. We offer logistics solutions for regional and international storage and distribution; transportation to and from all parts of the world by water, sky and land; Marketing and Foreign Trade Consulting and Advisory Services: All of which is carried out under centralized management, guaranteeing speed and total control of operations.
Our Business Units, which gradually covered all of South America and Mexico, provide us with an international reach that gives our specialists a thorough knowledge of the market, a fundamental issue when it comes to providing support and security to those who benefit from our services.
Como organización de probada experiencia, podemos decir que a lo largo de nuestra trayectoria hemos aprendido que para competir en el mercado globalizado es necesario diseñar estrategias apropiadas y tomar decisiones oportunas. Es así como lo hacemos, aportando valor agregado a la hora de crear soluciones logísticas integradas a partir de la sinergia entre nuestras Unidades de Negocios.